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Empowering Workplace Inclusivity: Breaking Barriers for Deaf Employees

As workplaces adapt, the need for inclusivity becomes evident, especially for addressing challenges faced by the Deaf workforce. Data by the US National Deaf Center (NDC) shows that only 54% of deaf people are employed, compared to 70% of hearing people. In the Middle East, over 11 million out of 350 million people have disabling hearing loss, underscoring the region’s need for inclusivity in the workplace.

Let’s delve into the specific obstacles faced by deaf individuals in traditional work settings and explore how to address them effectively with innovative solutions that go beyond accessibility.

Challenges Faced by Deaf Employees:

Navigating traditional workplaces presents numerous challenges for deaf individuals, where verbal communication dominates. Meetings, casual conversations, training sessions, and team discussions heavily rely on spoken language and often prove inaccessible, hampering deaf employees’ understanding and active participation. This necessitates communication through written or visual means, such as sign language interpreters or captioning. This communication gap can result in social isolation, affecting team dynamics and their sense of belonging. 

Deaf employees may not always feel comfortable among colleagues without hearing impairments, leading to a sense of underestimation and insecurity. Additionally, a lack of awareness among colleagues can further create attitudinal barriers, impacting professional relationships and hindering career growth. 

Fostering inclusive workplace

The NDC reports that deaf people are more likely than hearing people to be actively looking for work. Transformative approaches towards inclusive practices and awareness-building stand ready to redefine how workplaces accommodate diversity. These are essential for fostering a more equitable and supportive work environment for deaf individuals.

Revolutionising Communication

In the pursuit of inclusivity, communication stands at the forefront. Today, over 70 million deaf people use sign language globally. Dedicated technological solutions like Amsaan provide virtual sign language interpretation and real-time support through captioned video conferencing and instant messaging, which are pivotal in dismantling communication barriers. Deaf employees can now seamlessly engage with sign language interpreters during meetings and daily interactions, fostering a dynamic and inclusive experience that transcends physical boundaries, offering flexibility in diverse workplace scenarios.

Access to Information Redefined

The challenge of limited access to information finds solutions in reimagined platforms. Crucial workplace information can be delivered through diverse mediums, such as sign language through video content, ensuring that deaf employees have equal access to updates that may be typically communicated verbally.

Empowering Professional Growth

Beyond communication, inclusivity extends to professional development. On-demand sign language interpretation support services, tailored training sessions, and inclusive career advancement opportunities empower deaf employees to participate fully in the growth and development of their careers.

Nurturing Collaboration

Teamwork and collaboration are cornerstones of a thriving workplace. Inclusive practices ensure that deaf and hearing team members collaborate with their co-workers seamlessly through real-time support, virtual meeting accessibility, and document/content accessibility. This fosters a sense of belonging and ensures that deaf individuals can effectively contribute their skills and expertise.

Guidance for Employers

Creating an inclusive environment necessitates strategic planning. Inclusive policies, comprehensive accessibility training, and investment in seamless communication emerge as key components. 

In a 2023 poll by the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, 59% lacked confidence in communicating with the hearing impaired, and 26% would feel uncomfortable managing someone with hearing disabilities. Cultivating an inclusive company culture involves broadening employees’ perspectives on disabilities, fostering awareness, empathy, and a tolerant perception of individuals with disabilities. 

Seek regular feedback from deaf employees to understand how these practices equalise the playing field and if improvements are necessary. Employers play a pivotal role in fostering a workplace where every individual, regardless of hearing abilities, feels valued and included.

The Vision for Workplace Inclusivity

The journey toward inclusivity is not merely a task but a foundational shift. The transformative impact of technology on workplace inclusivity addresses communication barriers, provides real-time support, and fosters an inclusive culture. 

Diversity is not a challenge but a collective strength. A consistent strategic direction towards inclusivity, coupled with adaptation to the needs of deaf employees, ultimately, leads to better productivity and loyalty, paving the way for career progression among hearing-disabled employees and attracting diverse talent pools. 

As organisations embrace the future of work, prioritising innovation and inclusivity paves the way for a fair and harmonious workplace.

 Vitalii Potapchuk

Co-founder of Amsaan Project

15.12.2023 • Amsaan news