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Seville Boat Ride
Spain, Andalusia
1,5 hours
Not included
Visit Seville from a unique position and enjoy privileged views: those that can be seen from the Guadalquivir River, a large ancient river that goes through Andalusia with over 700 km of length and connects the capital, Seville, with the Atlantic Ocean. In fact, its current name comes from the Arabic “al-Wadi al-Kibir,” translated into our language as a “big river.”
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Museum of Fine Art
Spain, Andalusia
2 hours
Not included
Delve into the extraordinary world of Pablo Picasso, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, at the captivating Picasso Museum in Barcelona. This exceptional museum houses an extensive collection of over 4,000 works, providing a fascinating journey through the artist's prolific career and his enduring legacy. Housed in five stunning Gothic palaces, the Picasso Museum showcases the artist's formative years and his deep connection to Barcelona. Witness the evolution of Picasso's style as you explore the museum's chronologically arranged galleries, from his early academic studies to his pioneering role in the Cubist movement and beyond.
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Flamenco Show
Spain, Andalusia
3 hours
Get ready for an unforgettable evening of passion, artistry, and culinary delights as you experience the soul of Spain through a mesmerising flamenco show and authentic dinner. Feel the heat of the stage as skilled dancers, musicians, and singers bring the ancient art of flamenco to life. Be entranced by the intricate footwork, soulful guitar melodies, and powerful vocals that express the depth of human emotion. This intimate and captivating performance will leave you breathless and craving more.
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Barrio Santa Cruz
Spain, Andalusia
2 hours
Not included
Lose yourself in the winding streets and enchanting atmosphere of Barrio Santa Cruz, Seville's most iconic and captivating neighbourhood. This historic quarter, once the city's Jewish enclave, is a labyrinth of narrow, cobblestone alleys, picturesque plazas, and whitewashed houses adorned with colourful flowers and wrought-iron balconies. As you meander through the barrio's charming streets, you'll discover hidden gems around every corner. Stumble upon quaint tapas bars and cosy cafes, where you can savour the flavours of Andalusia and soak in the lively ambiance. Find yourself in the tranquil Plaza de los Venerables, a beautiful square surrounded by historic buildings and graced with the soothing sounds of a central fountain.
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Barrio Santa Cruz
Spain, Andalusia
2 hours
Not included
Lose yourself in the winding streets and enchanting atmosphere of Barrio Santa Cruz, Seville's most iconic and captivating neighbourhood. This historic quarter, once the city's Jewish enclave, is a labyrinth of narrow, cobblestone alleys, picturesque plazas, and whitewashed houses adorned with colourful flowers and wrought-iron balconies. As you meander through the barrio's charming streets, you'll discover hidden gems around every corner. Stumble upon quaint tapas bars and cosy cafes, where you can savour the flavours of Andalusia and soak in the lively ambiance. Find yourself in the tranquil Plaza de los Venerables, a beautiful square surrounded by historic buildings and graced with the soothing sounds of a central fountain.
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Royal Alcazar of Seville
Spain, Andalusia
2 hours
Not included
Step into a world of regal grandeur and exquisite beauty at the Royal Alcázar of Seville, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most stunning examples of Mudéjar architecture in Spain. This magnificent palace complex, with its lush gardens, intricate tilework, and ornate halls, stands as a testament to Seville's rich history and cultural diversity. As you explore the Alcázar's sprawling grounds, you'll be transported through centuries of Spanish history, from the Moorish era to the Christian reconquest and beyond. Marvel at the Patio de las Doncellas, a breathtaking courtyard adorned with delicate arches, vibrant tiles, and a reflective pool, showcasing the elegance of Islamic design.
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Dion - Mount Olympus: The Land of Myths
Greece, Thessaloniki
6 hours
Not included
Dion, the religious center of ancient Macedonia, is today an archaeological park of exceptional beauty. At the Dion Museum one can see a vast number of statues, vessels, coins and a unique find: the ‘hydraulis’ from the 1st century B.C., a musical instrument which was the forerunner of the church organ of the West. Continuing south, we will pass by Litochoro village, the last inhabited area before the ascent on Olympus Mount with stone built traditional houses and then drive up to the slopes of the magnificent Olympus – the legendary mountain and the homeland of Ancient Greek Gods. While going up on the mountain with the professional guide, you will listen to fascinating stories about the ancient Gods and enjoy the breathtaking beauty of natural surroundings. Make your visit to the most historical sites of Greece. Come with us on a Mount Olympus Dion Tour and meet the home where the ancient Greek Gods used to live. During the excursion you will visit: -Archaeological site of Dion -Litochoro village -Holy Monastery of Saint Dionysios of Olympus, located in a gorge at an altitude of 800 m. -You will also hike your way up to the waterfalls of Enipey. (20 minutes’ walk there and 20 minutes’ walk back). -Then we will go up to the altitude of 1100 m. to a stop Prionya, that is the starting point for professional climbers. Here, you can take unique pictures of the panoramic views and breath in the crystal-clear mountainous air.
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Dion - Mount Olympus: The Land of Myths
Greece, Thessaloniki
6 hours
Not included
Dion, the religious center of ancient Macedonia, is today an archaeological park of exceptional beauty. At the Dion Museum one can see a vast number of statues, vessels, coins and a unique find: the ‘hydraulis’ from the 1st century B.C., a musical instrument which was the forerunner of the church organ of the West. Continuing south, we will pass by Litochoro village, the last inhabited area before the ascent on Olympus Mount with stone built traditional houses and then drive up to the slopes of the magnificent Olympus – the legendary mountain and the homeland of Ancient Greek Gods. While going up on the mountain with the professional guide, you will listen to fascinating stories about the ancient Gods and enjoy the breathtaking beauty of natural surroundings. Make your visit to the most historical sites of Greece. Come with us on a Mount Olympus Dion Tour and meet the home where the ancient Greek Gods used to live. During the excursion you will visit: -Archaeological site of Dion -Litochoro village -Holy Monastery of Saint Dionysios of Olympus, located in a gorge at an altitude of 800 m. -You will also hike your way up to the waterfalls of Enipey. (20 minutes’ walk there and 20 minutes’ walk back). -Then we will go up to the altitude of 1100 m. to a stop Prionya, that is the starting point for professional climbers. Here, you can take unique pictures of the panoramic views and breath in the crystal-clear mountainous air.
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Greece, Thessaloniki
8 hours
Not included
Meteora – the most popular destination in Greece, after Acropolis in Athens. There is nothing quite like it anywhere else! Often described as stunning works of architecture set in a landscape that is as unique as it is breath-taking, the six monasteries of Meteora are visited every year by many tourists. A vast complex of giant rock pillars with monasteries made on the picks of the sandstone cliffs centuries ago creates a truly surreal landscape found nowhere else in the world! It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Until this day, the method of how these monasteries were built remain unknown. During the excursion you will visit: -2 monasteries -Stop for lunch in Kalambaka city.
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Sounio + Vouliagmeni Lake
Greece, Athens
5 hours
Not included
Welcome to the enchanting world of natural beauty and ancient mysteries. Join us on a thrilling journey along the Athenian coastline, where modernity intertwines with the grandeur of history. Indulge in the splendor of Vouliagmeni Lake and the power of Cape Sounio, where life and culture thrived on the shores of the Aegean Sea. Our travelers are in for an unforgettable adventure, starting with a visit to Vouliagmeni Lake. This natural lake, surrounded by lush greenery and majestic cliffs, creates the perfect atmosphere for relaxation and rejuvenation of the soul. Immerse yourself in the warm mineral waters, healing and revitalizing, and experience the natural renewal of your body and spirit. Next, we will venture to an astonishing place—Cape Sounio, located on a promontory surrounded by the vast Aegean Sea. Perched atop the cliffs stands the Temple of Poseidon, a majestic structure embodying the power and beauty of the ancient world. Look around and marvel at the incredible view of the endless waters meeting the horizon, the scent of the sea breeze, and the blue sky blending with the sea. Join our 5-hour excursion and discover the magic of nature and the grandeur of ancient times. The visit to Vouliagmeni Lake and Cape Sounio with its Temple of Poseidon will leave you with unforgettable impressions and a sense of tranquility, immersing you in an atmosphere of historical greatness and the beauty of the sea.
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