
App for phone

Mobile App for Deaf Travellers Introducing the pioneering mobile application tailored for Deaf travellers, the Amsaan Tours app!
Designed to make your travels smoother and safer, it's your ideal travel buddy, packed with features to accommodate the unique needs of Deaf tourists for an enjoyable, hurdle-free journey. Here's what's in store:
What's waiting for you in the app:
Interpreter Services
Call a sign language interpreter via video whenever needed, even for bargaining with a market vendor
Group Chat
Get in touch with your guide effortlessly and swiftly, no matter where you are Find answers to common travel queries, pre-travel advice, airport procedures, and more - all in sign language!
Contact with your deaf guide
Easily and quickly connect with your guide wherever you are - in your hotel room, by the pool or on a tour - he's always on call
Information Hub
We have collected answers to frequently asked tourist questions, pre-departure tips, advice on what to do at the airport, rules in the UAE and much more. And all this in sign language!
Tour Details
Your tour itinerary, vacation specifics, sightseeing schedule, leisure days - all handy on your phone, in sign language..
Accessibility Map
This feature shows locations compatible with Amsaan products. Locations on the map ensure sign language interpreter services.